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Greg Watson Interviews

Where to Look for Small Business Tax Resources Small Business Resources - Business Tax

With the complexities of the modern business environment, finding small business resources to help with business taxes can often be difficult and time-consuming. Fortunately, small business owners have many sources of reliable, helpful information.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Small Business Resources - Business Tax

The IRS is a great resource for information on business taxes. The main website has numerous articles, forms, and publications that provide critical information to business owners. The website also provides helpful videos and webinars to assist business owners in filing taxes and understanding their different forms and their related consequences.

Financial Advisers Small Business Resources - Business Tax

Financial advisers are a valuable resource for information on business taxes. Many financial advisers have experience helping business owners with filing taxes. They can provide advice regarding deductions, write-offs, and any other tax forms that can save businesses money.

Business Organizations Small Business Resources - Business Tax

Business organizations offer informative resources for businesses, including resources for business taxes. The members of these organizations often have expertise that small business owners can draw upon when filing their taxes. Additionally, some of these organizations provide webinars and courses that can prove to be helpful in filing business taxes.

Home-Based Businesses Small Business Resources - Business Tax

Finally, home-based business es have their own resources as well. Home-based businesses can take advantage of publications and tax software offered by the IRS to help with filing taxes. Additionally, a number of organizations exist that help small business owners in filing taxes, such as the National Association for the Self-Employed.

Small Business Resources